AxisNow xIAM

Non-Human Identity & Access Management

The Non-Human IAM to replace manual and insecure access to service accounts, API keys, tokens and other NHIs across Cloud, On-Prem and SaaS environments.

Non-Human Identities Challenge

Growing secrets, Growing risks.

More workloads, More work.

With the adoption of AI, automation, and interconnected integration, the growing presence of non-human identities brings more security risks. The engineering teams' burden of adopting and managing these operations is also increasing.

Deployment Option

Deploys Where You Deploy Software

Don’t let the tools you use drive where you run your distribution applications. AxisNow xIAM provides support for on-premises, SaaS, and cloud service providers (CSPs).

Proxy Approach

A collection of components deployed in your environment that handle identity and authentication functions for your workloads. The primary component in this system is the Agent/Proxy, which collects workload identity and other contextual information.

API Approach

When you can’t deploy Agent/Proxy, your turn to our feature-rich set of APIs that enable full automation of the AxisNow xIAM. AxisNow APIs can be used in parallel with AxisNow Agent/Proxy to enable a more integrated solution.

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